Welcome to IMAN


IMAN, by virtue of it being in existence for the past five decades, ranks among the oldest Muslim organisations in New Zealand.

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Islamic Centres

Dear Community members, you can find all Islamic centres under Iman in this section.

Community News

Dear Community members, please stay connected for any news updates.

news and events

IMAN appeal for donations

Become a friend of house of Allah by donating generously to Kilbirnie Masjid and Porirua Masjid. Here is the list of relevant accounts. -Regular Automatic Payments 02-0500-0284361-003 -Occasional Donations 02-0500-0284361-000 -For Zakat and Sadaqat-ul –Fitr (@$10 per...

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IMAN Donation Appeal

Become a friend of house of Allah by donating generously to Kilbirnie Masjid and Porirua Masjid. Here is the list of relevant accounts. -For Regular Donations through Automatic Payments 02-0500-0284361-003 -For Occasional Donations 02-0500-0284361-000 -For Zakat and...

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Prayer times Wellington Islamic Centre Kilbirnie

Stay in touch
Salam – kia ora!